© 2025 TechClass
Elevate your understanding of business intelligence with this engaging training designed to provide a strong foundation in the field. Discover the basic concepts, stages, and significance of business intelligence in the modern world of data. Learn essential statistical concepts to boost your analytical capabilities. Acquaint yourself with prominent BI tools like Excel and Power BI, databases such as MySQL and SQL Server, and storage solutions like DynamoDB and MongoDB.
Dive into the realm of visualization, data science topics, and the data science pipeline for a well-rounded learning experience.
All trainings are self-paced and fully online, allowing you to start anytime and learn at your own pace. You can review materials, skip familiar topics, and complete the training whenever it fits your schedule.
If you activate Certificate Training, you’ll need to complete the required tasks, and upon successfully finishing the training, you will receive your completion certificate.
Yes, you can purchase the training individually. However, if you have an active membership, you will get significant discounts on each training.
Yes, all trainings are accessible on computers, tablets, and smartphones, as long as you have an internet connection and a modern web browser.
For Self-Paced Trainings, you have access as long as you have an active subscription. For Certificate Trainings, you have access for one year, including any updates made to the training during that period.
Yes, we offer customized pricing and training solutions tailored to your organization’s needs. Contact our sales team for a consultation.