TechClass New Logo; More than just a new design
Oct 21, 2020
Oct 21, 2020
We are unveiling a new logo today, as we start improving our look in general. We really liked our old logo, and know that many feel the same. And still, we are here to discuss why we have chosen to evolve it.
Firstly, it’s not changed for the sake of change. That said, change is inevitable, and something to be embraced, but that’s not a good enough reason to change a logo. A good reason to change a logo is that it’s not doing the job you want it to do anymore—and because a simpler, more distinctive evolution of it could do that job better.
But the main reason is what TechClass is today, comparing to what it has been 2.5 years ago when the old logo got introduced. Unlike most of the enterprises, our Mission, KPIs, and goals are not just making financial growth. Financial growth is nothing more than more fuel in the rocket of our ambitiousness. The more affluent we become, the bigger we can dream.
Sometimes we look back, and it even amazes us how much we progressed, and how such growth affected our mission and mindset. Our services are being more mature on monthly basis, we are having rapid implementations entirely aligned with our goals, and yes, we feel we are on a right track. Not just for the sake of TechClass, but we know, we can have a more positive impact on the educational sector on a global scale.
Our new logo is Modern, Simple, and Attractive. Just like the characteristics that a future-proof learning environment ought to have. We want to keep things clear and focus on going stronger on our mission. That is why, we needed to get lighter, and now we can fly and aim for the moon.
Our Story keeps getting more fascinating!