Company News

TechClass; it has been two years, two wonderful years

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Vision and focus

Yesterday was the second anniversary of the establishment of TechClass company.

TechClass started with a simple vision, Learn in a smart way. To make the students learn efficiently, and we enable them to get the best out of their time and effort. We are living in such an interesting era. Lots of newcomers coming to each industry every day, trying to bring something innovative on the table. Demands are getting bigger, and users are being more aware of the value of their time, money, and in short, resources. TechClass since the day one focused on one thing, and one thing only; bring value. We did not aim to sale and get more revenue. We even made decisions which were making our job and our life more complicated, but only because we felt through such a journey, we can bring more than what we promised, and what we sold.

This was our winning lottery ticket, this mindset, this movement! TechClass likes to constantly watch its footsteps in such direction. We have an opportunity, and we think we are making the best possible choices. Value, value, value. Value for our students, value for our university partners, and value for our future potential clients.

Since day one, TechClass always survived on its own. We have not received any funds and grants, and so far, we always compensated for our plans on our own. The main reason so far was that we constantly have the easiness and comfortableness of modifying our path and be truly agile under different circumstances. And now that we are more solid than how we used to when we started, lots of possibilities are on our way.

The second year; in short

Last year was astonishing. We could not even dream it to be better, and to achieve more. Even listing them makes our head spinning. We welcomed +2000 students in our platform, we enabled them to completed +6000 credits. We represented two papers in an International Technology, Education and Development Conference, we become the sponsor of such a distinguished conference alongside Oracle Academy, and more importantly, we implemented and released the core of our Smart Online Learning Community:

In addition to those achievements, we also established partnerships with two other universities to offer our programme in their curriculum.

The road ahead

Effect of a paramount educational system on a society’s affairs is inevitable and plays a pivotal role in diverse aspects of a community such as economical status, health system, and welfare. We are lucky, delighted, and motivated to push our limits to implement such a beneficial project and enable not only Finnish society but also global markets to benefit from the advantageous of such idea.

Starting from today, with much higher confidence and believe, we will continue trying our best to empower our platform, create content that educates, informs, and inspires, and be the best possible partner that our university and company partners can get.

For this year, as usual, we have ambitious plans and projects, and we are confident that in a year, we will deliver services and achievements, that was even higher than our expectations.

And finally, I would like to thank everyone in TechClass that during this year through hard work and commitment significantly helped TechClass to grow.